Webster Groves School District

The District
Now in its 144th year, the Webster Groves School District serves students in five neighboring communities in suburban St. Louis, Missouri, including Glendale, Rock Hill, Shrewsbury, Warson Woods, and Webster Groves. This community, with a district population of approximately 32,000, includes many business, academic, and professional persons. It also represents a broad spectrum of socioeconomic groups and cultural interests. Webster University and Eden Theological Seminary are located in the school district, as are several parochial and private schools
The High School
Since 1906, the High School has been accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. In addition, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has determined that our school is an accredited secondary institution. Webster Groves High School holds membership in the National Association of College Admission Counselors (NACAC), and the Missouri Association of College Admission Counseling (MOACAC).
The Faculty
The faculty consists of 151 teachers, a full-time librarian, a part-time librarian, seven counselors, a school nurse, a social worker and six administrators. The majority of the teaching faculty holds a master’s degree or above. Four members of the faculty hold a doctoral degree.