St. Louis Girls Youth Hockey Association

The St Louis Cyclones is an All Girls Ice Hockey organization with programs for all ages including "Learn to Play" to teams from 6 years old to teens. Our organization welcomes all girls regardless of skill level or experience. We have camps, open skates, spring , summer and winter programs and leagues. Our programs focus on teaching fundamentals, hard work, commitment, good sportmanship, the benefits of teamwork, improving athletic skills and having fun in the sport of ICE HOCKEY. Incorporate these ingredients with dedicated coaches, caring team managers and supportive parents and you have an organization that promotes success and positive experiences for all girls at both the developmental and competitive levels. We make every effort to make participation fun yet challenging.
In accordance with USA and Missouri Hockey we strive to provide a safe and healthy environment for all girls to learn and grow as individuals and teammates, with an equal opportunity to play at an appropriate level without any undue emphasis on winning. The St Louis Cyclones endorses the Core Values of USA Hockey: Sportsmanship, Respect for the Individual, Integrity, Persuit of Excellence, Enjoyment, Loyalty and Team work.