Kids In The Middle

Divorce Hurts. Kids In The Middle Helps.®In 1977 Kids In The Middle® (KITM) began as a small non-profit organization providing counseling groups for children whose parents were in the process of getting a divorce. At that time, there were no such services available for children. And now, 36 years later, KITM is still the only agency of its kind in the region. Kids In The Middle is a proud member of the United Way of Greater St. Louis.KITM provides counseling, education and support for families from the time parents make the decision to separate, during the divorce process and afterwards. We help kids talk about what "bugs" them about divorce. We help kids cope with their fears, anxiety, depression and anger. We teach parents how to help their children through the difficult changes in the family. We help parents settle themselves emotionally so they can "be there" for their kids. Most importantly, we help parents communicate and co-parent without conflict to provide their kids with safe, loving homes. These seven core values demonstrate Kids In The Middle's commitment to its clients, staff, volunteers and the community.CHILD CENTEREDFocusing on the best interests of the child. CONFIDENTIALITYCreating a safe place for children and parents to discuss their concerns.INTEGRITY Demonstrating honesty, impartiality, mutual respect and trustworthiness. COMPASSIONShowing care and kindness to others. COLLABORATIONWorking together as a team, both within the agency and in the community to provide a positive experience for everyone we serve. INNOVATIONLeading the field of divorce counseling and education by developing new methods and best practices.QUALITYStriving for excellence in every aspect of the organization.